Wine, Food, Travel, & Lifestyle


white wine margarita in a glass

Wine Margarita Recipe: Combining Two Classics

I remember the first time I stumbled upon the concept of a wine margarita—my friend had invited me over for a casual get-together, and she casually mentioned she was making something called a

Blood Orange Margarita in a glass on a table

Blood Orange Margarita Recipe

One sunny afternoon, I decided to experiment with some fresh blood oranges I found at the Napa farmers’ market. The result? A refreshingly zesty blood orange margarita! This vibrant cocktail quickly became my

Low calorie tequila drinks

10 Best Low Calorie Tequila Drinks

I’m always on the lookout for the best low calorie tequila drinks.  I’ve always had a soft spot for tequila cocktails, not just for their smooth kick, but also because they often come

Tequila Cocktails in glasses arranged on a table

Tequila Cocktails: Your Complete Guide

Tequila, a distilled spirit made from the blue agave plant, has a rich history rooted in Mexican culture and tradition and a status as a “gift from the gods.” This versatile liquor is

Pineapple Tequila Drink

The Best Pineapple Tequila Drink Recipe

I remember the first time I tried a Pineapple Tequila cocktail—it was during a sunny summer backyard BBQ with friends. The moment that sweet, tangy pineapple juice mingled with the smooth tequila, I

How to make margaritas with mix

How to Make Margaritas with Mix

Curious how to make margaritas with mix?  I still remember the first time I tried making margaritas at home. I was hosting a last-minute get-together and needed something quick and impressive. That’s when

Blueberry margarita in a glass on a table with a window in view

Blueberry Margarita Recipe

Sunday mornings at my house were always a treat. My mom would whip up blueberry muffins that filled the air with a sweet, comforting aroma. It was one of those simple pleasures that

Passionfruit Margarita in a glass on a table

Passionfruit Margarita Recipe

Ever had one of those days when you just need a little escape? Last winter, I was on a beach vacation in Puerta Vallarta, and a local bartender handed me a passionfruit margarita.

Raspberry margarita

Raspberry Margarita Recipe

I remember the first time I tasted a raspberry margarita—it was on a warm summer evening at a lively rooftop bar with friends. The sweet-tart burst of raspberries paired with the tangy kick

avocado margarita in a glass on a table

Avocado Margarita Recipe

I’ll never forget the first time I tried an avocado margarita at La Cava in Disney’s Epcot. The creamy, dreamy texture and the refreshing twist left me hooked!  Imagine taking your classic margarita

pink margarita in a glass

Pink Margarita Recipe

I still remember the first time I tried a pink margarita—it was at a sunny rooftop bar in Santa Monica, surrounded by friends and laughter. The drink arrived, looking like a beautiful sunset

aperol margarita sitting in a glass on a table

Aperol Margarita Recipe

I have a soft spot for Aperol Spritz, and I’ll never turn down a classic margarita. So, when I discovered the Aperol Margarita, it felt like discovering a hidden gem in my own